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Are you feeling a bit lost? Are you starting to dislike the usual things you do? Like your job, your routine, or simply hanging around with your regular crowd? Do you feel exhausted all the time? Like you have been doing the same thing over and over every day. To the point that it makes you sick and think like you’re losing the desire or the sense in all these things that you used to love or enjoy doing? Well, you’re not alone. We all experience different phases in our life, and you might want to consider evaluating what kind of stage you are going through. These signs may check all the marks that you are experiencing a life crisis. This may sound a little alarming, but going through this phase isn’t all that bad. Life crisis makes us re-evaluate our life, our perspective, our decisions which often lead us to life’s turning points that will impact the path we take for the rest of our lives. Today, no, I am not going to be your therapist, but better, we are going to highlight a super awesome film that delivers the complications of life crisis with comedy and juicy heart-breaking real-life drama. This feature film is titled “Avocado Toast” by Tyler Farr. So if you are on your quarter-life, mid-life, or one-third-life crisis, this must be your lucky day because we are about to experience a one-of-a-kind journey with Adam. As he re-evaluates his life and bravely conquers his ‘one-third-life’ crisis while embracing the inner millennial in him.

Avocado Toast tells the hilarious story of Adam’s transformation from the generation Z that he thought he was to the inner millennial man that he is. Together with his family, friends, and acquainted fellow millennials, he takes on life-changing choices and gradually adapts to the stereotypical characteristic of this generation. But as he progresses to this new lifestyle, he also loses a huge part of himself in the process. He then faces the dilemma of analyzing his choices; if he eliminated the root cause of his crisis or if he had blown his situation out of proportions. If you want to find out more, make sure to catch its screenings and be prepared to laugh your heart out, because this film is seriously funny, and I am begging for more!

I admire how Tyler Farr created this film, from its story to how it is creatively delivered. The storyline is hilarious and ingenious. It will make one look at his or her life and realize that everything about this movie is real. Because it tackles personal and interpersonal conflicts that deal with self-love, selflessness, wants/needs, and goals, which lightens the load if you are in the same situation, and I love that about this movie. It’s not all about being entertaining and crazy funny. It has a concrete story with a heart-striking message. Technical wise, I couldn’t ask for more. Every angle, insert, and visual effects are perfection, which also includes editing, directing, and cinematography. And of course, the ensemble cast( Justin Ray, Joe Burns, Jyllian Petrie, Mikayla Iverson, Joshua Michael French, and Tito Livas) was the bomb for this film. I have never seen such a group of actors that blends so well with each other, who gives timely and accurate acting skills, particularly in comedy. Also, hats off to the exceptional performance of Justin Ray as Adam. I love the quirkiness and the authenticity of his performance. May it be drama, serious, or comedy, he never fails to exude his presence and his brilliant talent in acting. I have nothing but appreciation and high regard for this movie. And as a fan, I’d surely wish for this story to develop into a television or a web series. Everything in this movie utterly gives the ideal equation for that comedy series you’ll long to watch every day. Cheers and congratulations to the impressive offering of Tyler Farr and his outstanding team of Avocado Toast!