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Experiences, good or bad, become memories, often memorable that makes us smile, motivates us, and reminds us of the tracks we took to get to where we are at the present. But sometimes they are unhealed scars which relive the trauma from the past and pricks the wound to bleed again. Experiences in life either makes us strong or vulnerable. It is something that helps us become a better version of ourselves. However, it shouldn’t define who we are as a person or who we should be. We all have our stories to tell, so does Rosalie, the main character of our featured short film titled “When Skies Are Grey” by Lucas Luderman. At first glance, Rosalie seems to be a normal teenage girl, beautiful, and making the most of her youth with a boy she met and befriended with named James. It is almost the perfect boy meets girl love story until things get a little blurred on who James really is, or maybe a little clearer on what Rosalie has become.

Lucas Luderman, together with writers Jessica Jaber and Brittany Mae, gave me something that more than meets the eye. A story that I thought will tell me a typical tween love story gave me so much more, something deep, dark, and seriously ain’t the typical love story I was expecting nor predicted, at all. You see, it began when Rosalie, who was breathtakingly portrayed by Rheonna Koss with such effortless transition of emotions, met James as she was walking by herself on to a diner. James (Ryan Danahy), a handsome young man, who almost has all the qualities that every girl can dream of, made his way from walking with Rosalie to a diner, then to her heart. Everything seems wonderful, from holding hands, secret meetings, to happy moments together captured by a camera. It was indeed a beautiful young love blossoming to something sincere. James and Rosalie are ready to let the world know about their growing love. So Rosalie invited James for a home dinner to meet her mom, but the moment she introduced him to her mother, the truth behind James’ existence and the lies that Rosalie fabricates to hide her ailing truth painfully unravels the turmoils of her unfortunate past.

Be sure to keep a close lookout for this film if you want to find out about Rosalie’s past and what lies ahead in her future. I honestly can’t get enough of the intrigue and its unpredictability. The smooth transition of how it began with an adorable boy meets girl theme, to a lovely young love experience, then to a deep and dark reality of a person living with a mental health disorder triggered my interest and emotion about the painful reality of how people with this kind of illness don’t see with their eyes but perceive with their mind to cover-up their cry for help. I very much appreciate the beautiful and impacting way that the story is delivered and the way they instill a valuable core message about love, care, and support for our loved ones with mental health disorders. This short film is at the top of my recommendation list, Kudos for making this film possible!