Filmmaker Interview – Dan Fowlks – The Story of Michael Carbis

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We had the opportunity to interview Dan Fowlks, the filmmaker behind The Story of Michael Carbis.

What was the inspiration to make The Story of Michael Carbis?

Working with Silver Reef Historical Society in wanting to bring historical stories to a narrative portrayal.

From idea to completion, how did this production change? 

The story was started as a feature but to due budget constraints we decided to do a short documentary style to overview the story.

What was the biggest challenge in getting The Story of Michael Carbis made? 

Editing is always a challenge.  As a filmmaker I have learned the importance of editing and it is really under-appreciated.

What do you think is the most important takeaway from The Story of Michael Carbis?

Preserving stories from the early days of southern Utahs history.

If you could have a do over with your film is there anything that you would do differently? If so, what would that be?

Be able to take more time with building out dramatic scene better.

How can we learn more about you and your projects?

Desert Vibe Media is the company that are bringing these Historical stories to the small and big screen in Southern Utah.  Our other Silver Reef project can be viewed as well.